We are excited to invite you to the most focused rhythm workshop we have offered in years. We will be delving into the roots of the rhythms within us. Playing with the unknown and growing into our own full wild rhythmic selves.
We have the space and the format is taking shape. One thing I can say is we are planning an extended length meditation for the Saturday of this workshop. These extended experiences allow for journeying further into our perceptions and unlocking parts of us we usually can not access.
There is more information to come and I am happy to answer questions as well.
Check back on the site as I will put up a page with schedules and more information on the space.
As this is out in a natural setting we will even be doing some of the rhythm work near a river outside!
We will be at Riversong Sancutuary near Hood River, Oregon
This is a camping only event. You bring your own tents and camping gear and food.
There are compost toilets.
You are responsible for bringing a frame drum and your wild imaginations
Start: 1:00 PM August 22
End: 3:00 PM August 25
Costs $350-$550
Registration: Email Naomi Khan
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