Hello All,
Playing in rhythm is an experiment to find what works for each of us. At the same time as we often find what works for the group as well. The tie between tie between individual journey and the groups evolution is essential. When any person falls out, the groups energy, acceptance and momentum allow them to get back into the flow. TaKeTiNa creates a space where this dynamic interaction allows for the best possible outcome with the least effort. Is it possible to have this in our everyday lives?

Yes, or course yes. Who would write that and then say no?
The world (human societal structure) is a big crazy place. It appears to have been out of rhythm with us for a long time. The earth (nature) has been put off of it rhythms by us as well. However, just because we have fallen out of rhythm does not mean all is lost. It means we need to find our way back in to the flow. With the group, with the world, with the earth. Finding a dynamic relationship that allows all parts to be reflected in success as individuals and as a whole.
Rhythm is always there, waiting, inviting us back into the flow. Allowing us time to work together to get back into a balance that will keep us thriving. This weekend, we will play in rhythm. We will play in the space that is created in the TaKeTiNa process and experience a dynamic interaction between individuals and a group. Maybe saving the world starts with that kind of learning.
What do you think?
TaKeTiNa Facilitator, World Changer
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