Hello All,
I am an individual. I am made up of many traits, characteristics, experiences and atoms. This individual identity is important to survival, self actualization, self care and interactions with the world around me. So, how do I take that individual self and bring it into cohesion with the outside world? If the outside world was cohesive it would probably be easier, but we only got the one so let’s find a way in.

First comes an act of trust in our fellow humans. This act is showing up. Showing up to step into something with others. Showing up with the intention of finding something together that we cannot find on our own. TaKeTiNa helps us show up fully and be part of the group without effort or experience. As the rhythm builds from the mantra to the step and beyond, we begin to cross the barriers between knowing/experiencing ourselves as individuals to being Part of the Whole.
This experience of being Part of the Whole can be revolutionary by itself. We are constantly told how divided and separate we are for so long that we may have forgotten how easy it can be to come together. Once we change this story of divide, we can create better relationships, conversations, insights and communities.
Experiencing this on a regular basis helps us be more open and carry it with us more often. Hopefully, by being part of the whole, the world can learn something from us.
Jacob Stein
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