Hello World!
Each time we meet in a TaKeTiNa circle we embark on an adventure. Rhythm is the vehicle, boat, plain, spaceship of imagination, etc. It allows us to adventure through the high mountains, deep oceans, rolling hills, outer reaches of explored space and the inner workings of our own beings. Adventure vast expanses of experience, chaos, order, stillness.

How is this possible? We allow our minds to easy into the background as we build a rhythm in the body. This could be related to starting the engines of turning the paddles. As the rhythm becomes more complex, our bodies go in and out of rhythm over and over. This is a good thing. Like working out the kinks between idle and hyper-drive. Each time we come back into the flow we can venture deeper into the rhythm and sensation. Sooner or later we look back and can no longer see where we started, only where we are. Present.
Adventures in life contain risk. Risk can be a good thing. Risk in a TaKeTiNa adventure is only in showing up. Because doing something new feel risky! At least it did to me! The risk is to be open to learning about yourself in rhythm, community, and life. That is big and I want to acknowledge all for taking that risk.
I Hope you can come laugh, play, sing, step, breathe and be in rhythm with us this weekend.

Jacob Stein
TaKeTiNa Facilitator
Friend, Community Member
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