Hello Good People of Earth,
What does it mean to embody rhythm? Wait. What does it mean to embody anything? What can be embodied? Feel free to take a little time and come back to this later.
I don’t have a ton of answers to those questions just yet. Maybe I’ll have more by Saturday. What I do know right now: 1) To me, embodying something means it has become a part of you. 2) TaKeTiNa allows and teaches our bodies, hearts, and beings to embody rhythm.

In my life I spent many years in music. I have played piano, clarinet, sax (alto & tenor), taken voice lessons multiple times. In all those many years of practice I never learned to embody rhythm, or music. I could sense my desire to do so, but it was still something that was out of reach. I would see musicians, dancers and artists that were fully in the moment in a way that was elusive in my own practice. And then there was TaKeTiNa. It helped me cross what was a scary divide and step more fully into myself, rhythm and music.
I see embodying rhythm as a gift we can give ourselves. It opens up the way we move, sense and feel. It expands our experience and our awareness. TaKeTiNa wraps that gift in laughter, smiles, joy and judgement-free goodness. I hope you bring your gifts to the circle this weekend as we play in rhythm.
Jacob Stein
2 Responses
Kids (12 years old) welcome?
Jacob Stein
Yes, happy to have the young ones in a place of play and rhythm.