Hello Hello!
This past week I went to a lecture on the brain and love. Neurosciences is all the rage these days. They are figuring out all kinds of amazing things about what is happening between our ears all the way to our toes. Even though this lecture was on love, what the speaker glossed over quickly was the fact that humans singing in groups experience an amplified benefit over those singing alone (got my attention!). And, group singing makes us more open to developing compassion and understanding to those around us.

Maybe you have not read or seen the news lately. It has been a really crazy year thus far. The world is a different place than I thought it was 2 years ago. I learn more, see more and understand less. I think we are all looking for some answers and for the next great step for humanity. At least I hope we are. I think part of that step is more compassion and understanding. Taking more time to be human. Maybe singing together could be part of that process. And, maybe TaKeTiNa can be a way for us to make singing, being, and growing together more accessible and fun.
So this weekend we will play, step, sing, and rhythm while we embrace the good of being in and with the group. I hope you can make it. I have missed your faces.
Jacob Stein
TaKeTiNa Leader, Group Singer, Rhythm Lover
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