Hello All,
This weekend I invite you to grow your awareness. You may ask “how is this different than any other TaKeTiNa session?” It is different because our awareness will be the theme throughout the journey. Where does your awareness go? Does it go to your feet, claps, the other people in the room or maybe to the breeze in the trees outside? Can you control it? Do you control it? If you can and do, does it change your experience? Can you be aware of awareness? I hope you just laughed a little.

I realize I want to share the awesome experiences I have had in rhythm through the TaKeTiNa process. My experiences may not reflect everyone’s. However, I believe that we become fuller, richer people as we we grow our awareness of ourselves and others. Rhythm is an avenue for growing our awareness and ourselves. TaKeTiNa is a process for anyone to access rhythm and allows us all to participate at our own pace and level, laugh, play and meditate.
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