Take it Easy

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Hello Friends,

butterfly chillinThe butterfly is taking it easy. In this weekend’s journey, I invite you to take it easy. Why? Well, the answer is that we often learn faster the slower we go. Think about it. If you read 1000 pages on ethics in a day, chances are you are not going to remember much, or have time to process all that you read. Your brain, body, and soul need time to go through the new information, sort, file and reconstruct.

It is the same in rhythm. Take one step at a time. Letting it sink in and connect. Feel the rhythm. This gives us time for playing, laughing, smiling, getting it wrong, getting it right, getting it wrong again. If we constantly try to do it all right now, we don’t have the opportunity to explore, grow, change or thrive. So come, play, step, clap, sing, explore you and rhythm, grow, laugh, connect, relax and take it easy.



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