Hello Everyone,
This weekend we will be joined by many new faces. I am very excited to see you in Vancouver! As I think about new people coming, I find myself going back to a line I told my cousin years ago: “Do one thing that scares you every day.”
I don’t remember the context, but we talk about that line every time I see her. It is a part of how I decide whether to do a particular thing from time to time (i.e. sing on stage…).
If you’re coming to your first TaKeTiNa journey I hope you are not scared. If you are, that’s okay, just make sure you still come.
The first time I did TaKeTiNa I didn’t have a choice. It came to my choir. There was no risk involved and I was not intentionally doing something new. The second time I did TaKeTiNa I did experience feelings of self-consciousness and fear. Though I had been through one journey, I still had no idea what I was getting into or what I would be getting in turn.
I did know that I was scared, nervous, excited and hopeful. I was pleasantly surprised and delighted with what I found. None of this would have happened if I wasn’t curious about something new. I wouldn’t be writing this if I hadn’t taken a chance on something that barely reached into the edge of my world.

October is the month of scary things. We have been celebrating with movies, pumpkin carving and stories. Maybe this weekend you can celebrate with me as we go into the TaKeTiNa journey (not scared for your life, mind you), perhaps just a little nervous and a great deal curious about something new.
TaKeTiNa Facilitator, Organizer, Enthusiast and all around good guy.
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