Hello All,
I am feeling better and there will be TaKeTiNa tonight! Lately I have become more aware of my own tendency to rush through things. Rushing isn’t the way it feels in the moment. It feels normal to proceed at whatever rate I am going. Example: eating a meal. I am generally a fast eater. I love food and eating but seldom slow down to indulge my senses. I sometimes can and do make the choice to slow down. However, I need help remembering it as an option as it is not a common part of our culture… yet.

Life gets full. I think in our culture, as our lives become more full, we move faster. We have so much to do that it can inhibit our ability to take in the simple, rich experiences like the scent of peeling an orange. There is so much to do we forget to take time to bask in the happenings of life.
I invite you to come play in rhythm this evening and be curious as to what you like to speed up, and what you try to slow down. Laughter, music, joy, confusion will hopefully all be present. Hopefully you will be too.
Jacob Stein
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