Hello People of Intention,
This weekend we will use this rhythm process to build, examine, play with, and maybe redefine our understanding of trust.
What do we trust? Ourselves, people, structure, processes? Is it possible to trust rhythm? I do not remember in my life being taught to trust. It just happens. I used to feel this way about flow, then I found TaKeTiNa. Could it be the same with trust?

How do we move from trust being something on the sideline that we depend upon to something that we can identify, define and grow? Can we use rhythm to help us trust ourselves? the support of others? a process? I think we can. After the journey maybe you will too.
In learning to lead TaKeTiNa, my teacher told us to trust completely in what we were inviting people to do. If we didn’t have this trust in the process, it would not be a very enjoyable or productive journey. I end up revisiting this idea when I lead. Any time I think “Are they okay? did I say that right? do I need to go back?” I also say to myself something like “Whatever you chose, it will work out. The rhythm will find its way in. Trust yourself and the rhythm.” This is a little scary every time. Doubt can be so loud. Leading, for me, is an opportunity to practice trusting myself, the group and this rhythm process.
As participants in the journey we can experience all of those forms of trust from a different perspective. Going in and out of rhythm we find ourselves trusting that we will not get completely lost. That we are safe and the group will support us through mistakes and learning. That our feet will go where we ask, and our hands will clap in the right place. When they do not, it is not a violation of trust, it is learning. We learn that no matter how many mistakes we make, our self worth is not in jeopardy.
Trust grows through the chaos of learning, falling in and out, and letting go of being right as the rhythm goes on. Smiles and laughter make room for it in the group. As chaos comes and goes, trust in ourselves can find more space to fill. I hope this weekend we find more trust, awareness, groove, connection, joy and grounding. Anything else we find is welcome too.
One Response
Catherine Riccio
Yay!! Congratulations on finding a third Saturday location! Look forward to seeing to on Saturday!!