Hello Friends,
How do we know what we need? What is going to be the lesson, book, question, bandage, massage, class, political leader that gets us through a needed evolution. Truth is, I have no idea. I figure we try things and hope they turn out well. However, I do know that we need rhythm!
Rhythm provides predictability, flow, a sense of belonging and trust. Rhythm creates life as we know it, in our bodies and the cosmos. Days, weeks, months, weekends. Our bodies know when these things come and go. And yet, sometimes Tuesday really feels like Wednesday. We find ourselves off a little bit. We aren’t going to die or anything but we know that we are out of the usual flow. When this happens we don’t freak out and think we are terrible people, we simply breathe, laugh, carry on and trust that we will get our groove back sooner or later.
TaKeTiNa invites us into rhythms we don’t all know as well as we know the days, weeks, months and years. It has more variations and combinations. Endless variations actually. So, we get to experience being out of rhythm in a joyful way, developing trust, creating music, while clearing the mind and becoming more present.
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