October 11-13!!! Come engage with the deep processes your body, mind and spirit are hungry for. Ignite your curiosity with rhythm and play. Reconnect to the whole experience of living, by reconnecting with the rhythm in you.
Embodying rhythm allows us to explore the depth of our human capacity, creativity, self knowledge and sense of ourselves as part of the whole. This immersion is an invitation to reconnect to your internal rhythmic landscape and open all your windows of knowing; senses, imagination, intellect, emotions. Delving into the pulse, cycle and space of the rhythms, we will play at the edges of what we know, don’t know, and can only just barely imagine in ourselves and in rhythm. Cool, right?
We cannot say what this journey into the rhythmic world will be for you. No traveler really ever knows what they will get out of a trip before they leave. But taking the journey opens the door to the greatest of possibilities. This may be a journey for you!
For all the details on this event click here!
As always I hope you can make it! This workshop is becoming something I have striven to provide for years. Come for your own experience, or bring friends to have something to talk about for years to come.
Jacob Stein & Naomi Khan
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